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Germany Part 2 – Colmberg and Rothenberg

This week we’re in the final stretch of our big move…you see, we had a month long overlap period where we owned our home but still had to pay rent for our old apartment..I thought it would be a good thing, but now I’m not so sure…We thought this would make moving a lot less stressful, which it definitely has!!..but it’s also made the process feel like it’s dragged on FOREVER…but now we’re finally almost done! This week we just have to bring one last small load of stuff over and then clean the apartment and we will be FREE! I can’t wait!

So today since I’m about to head over to the apartment and clean, I thought I’d just share a few more pictures from our adventures in Germany! So here’s part two!

The trip was actually a wedding gift to Ryan and I from my German relatives..they weren’t able to come to our wedding, so they were very sweet and gave us tickets to come see them for our one year anniversary! So while we were there we got to take a few days to head off on a mini trip just the two of us to celebrate our marriage! I think it’s going to be really hard for our two year anniversary to top this…We stayed at Colmberg Castle, which overlooks the town of Colmberg…and visited some of the towns in the surrounding area stopping at lots of cute cafes along the way…

We got to go to Rothenberg, which is one of our favorite German towns..It’s still surrounded by walls on all sides that were built to protect the town…Now you can walk on it and see the whole town from above! These few days were pretty rainy, but the sun came out for a little bit on our last day in Rothenberg!

Then we headed back “home” to my aunt’s house and got to rest for a few days before heading to Salzburg, Austria…Pictures from that leg of our trip are coming soon!!

There’s the castle off in the distance!!

I think I took a picture of every single peach/coral building I saw..

Getting closer!

The view from the castle! You could see the rain off in the distance..

The view from our room!

Exploring the castle…

I was constantly telling Ryan, “If this was an engagement session I would have the couple stand right here…”….there were so many pretty spots for pictures!!

Taking a hot chocolate break…it was actually in the 50’s on this day…while it was around 100 back here in the U.S…and there’s one of my favorite nutella on the go snacks…

Breakfast at the castle!

Exploring Rothenberg!

I told Ryan I want a garden like this in our backyard…

The sun would come out for a few minutes at a time…

And then it would turn rainy and gray again..

Pictures from the wall surrounding Rothenburg!

Snowballs are basically deep fried cookies dipped in chocolate…Rothenberg is famous for them and they are SO good.

Back in Langenzenn with my family at dinner! This is my uncle trying to put bunny ears on my sister’s best friend Megan…He’s a funny guy:)

Our favorite icecream store in Langenzenn! BEST ICE CREAM IN THE WORLD!

More coming soon! Happy Monday!!

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  1. Sara Q

    August 27th, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    SHNEEBALLS! ugh. this post made me miss Germany soooo much! Also, I just love everything about this post! It looked like an awesome trip!

  2. Blythe K

    August 27th, 2012 at 5:52 pm

    I love Germany! Rothenburg is AMAZING – definitely a highlight when I went with my family back in high school. Beautiful photos!

  3. ashley link

    August 27th, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    yummm!!! all of that food looks delicious! such fun pictures! makes me really want to visit germany, like NOW haha.

  4. mollystillman

    August 28th, 2012 at 7:16 am

    wow, annamarie! these pictures are gorgeous. germany looks amazing!!!

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A glimpse into my daily life in Richmond, VA (and travels beyond) with my husband Ryan, our disobedient puppy Lexie, and the work, style and attempts at minimalism in between.