There used to be times where I was in the middle of a session or wedding and would just completely draw a blank about how I should pose a couple next…Your talking, laughing and trying to get to know the couple all while trying to be creative, find locations, pose the couple, pay attention to what the light is doing, and get your settings right…thats ALOT to think about at one time in my opinion!! I generally scroll through my pinterest posing ideas board right before a session just to get some inspiration…but what happens when you run out of ideas?
I am by NO means the master of posing…but if you’re a newer photographer maybe this is something you’ve struggled with too! So maybe my crazy and weird little acronym can help you…I give you permission to laugh at me for coming up with mind works in funny ways sometimes. The way I see it, most poses (at least most poses I use) are derived from five BASIC poses (note I said MOST..obviously there are a ton of other more unique posing ideas…but at least in my mind these five provide the foundation for the rest!) These include:
- Hand holding
- Side by side
- Facing each other
- Guy in front of girl
- Girl in front of guy
- Guy facing forward/girl facing in
Obviously, HSFGGG doesn’t spell any cool words…but I remember them by saying this: High School Football, GO GO GO! Maybe that’s what I came up with as a sentence to remember them because I used to be a cheerleader in high school (although I only ever cheered for basketball)..I have no clue. But, yes I actually say that in my head in the middle of sessions if I get stuck! It helps me quickly think about poses I haven’t done yet…Then I’m able to adjust it…by asking the couple to change their facial expression, which direction they’re looking, where their arms are, how close or far apart they are standing, the angle that I’m shooting at, how close I am to the subject…etc. The pose descriptions only apply to which way their bodies are facing…then you have to adjust everything else for this idea to help you keep from getting stuck in a rut. Having a quick list of foundational poses in my mind that I can recall easily helps me be more creative and opens the door to a million other poses! The pictures below show how you can take the foundational pose and make it unique.
1. Hand Holding
2. Side by Side – see how it can be applied to sitting or standing poses and how they can be right next to each other or you can put space between the couple?
3. Facing each other – with this one it’s awesome how shooting at different angles can make such a big difference! 4. Guy in front of girl
5. Girl in front of guy
6. Guy facing forward/girl facing in – this one could obviously be done vice versa too…I just always find that I like it better this way.
Obviously this doesn’t cover more unique poses, like a spin or a dip or when you have props or some sitting down poses…these are just my foundational go-to ideas…which also causes me to challenge myself and think of poses that aren’t based on these ones! So next time you get stuck…try remembering High School Football, GO GO GO! And again, feel free to laugh at me when you do. And if you’re a photographer and have any special or unique tips on how you think of poses when you feel stuck, I’d love to hear them!!
September 4th, 2012 at 3:17 pm
Oh my gosh, GIRL you are hilarious! “High School Football, GO GO GO!!” I seriously will actually remember that. Thank you for sharing this – it’s SUPER helpful!! I still get stuck in ruts all the time and I love that even within each pose, you have so many options and so much variety with them!
September 4th, 2012 at 3:19 pm
Love this! Next time I feel stuck I will start cheering in my head :)
September 4th, 2012 at 3:25 pm
GORGEOUS photos. :) Very talented gal.
September 4th, 2012 at 6:45 pm
SO helpful & smart!! Thank you for sharing!! :)
September 4th, 2012 at 8:24 pm
You are so good at posing!!! Great tips!
September 4th, 2012 at 9:56 pm
love all your photos! you seem very talented :) thanks for sharing your tips!
September 4th, 2012 at 11:58 pm
this is so so helpful!!! such a cute way to remember it too! i love how you have the basic ideas, then can just branch off of them! that’s awesome! that’s for the tuesday tip! ;)
September 7th, 2012 at 1:17 am
Mind blanks are not fun. This will help a ton!! Thanks. Found your blog through Katelyn. LOVE your wedding pics too.
September 10th, 2012 at 8:09 pm
You are too funny! Love this post btw :)