December Goals and Whats up next!

Ahhh I can’t believe 2012 is almost over! It’s December! One of my favorite months!! Despite the fact that I hate the cold, I love the other things that accompany it…ie. winter clothes like scarves, boots and pea coats, hot beverages, christmas cookies, the holidays in general…the list could go on forever!

One thing I don’t like about December though is that it’s a reminder of how fast time seems to be flying by as this year is coming to a close! I didn’t even WRITE a November Goals blog post because I didn’t have time! Obviously, I need to get serious about my December goals…

November was filled with lots of work, but also lots of fun! We finally got the downstairs of our new house looking cute in preparation for a family house warming party and a friendsgiving feast…We headed to my parents house for Thanksgiving this year..then got to go to a Hokie game at Tech, where we almost froze to death and just barely won (but still had an awesome time cheering and pretending to be college students again!!)…Then some of our best friends bought a house right down the street from us! we got to start helping them paint…We also started dreaming and drawing out designs for how we want to remodel our kitchen…And lastly, I got to meet up with a bunch of awesome VA photographers for dinner to network and get to know them just for fun…

Those are just some of the highlights that I can remember by glancing back at the month of November in my planner…but I also got to meet a lot of my 2013 brides, which was really exciting! If you’re reading this and you’re one of them…just know that I’m so thankful for you and think you girls are the best!!!

So anyway, here’s what December holds for me as far as business goals go:

  • Implement the strategies from this print that I randomly found on Pinterest! Especially number 12! I need to work on balancing the different parts of my life better..and I need to work on time management and being a good steward of my time in general! It’s really hard!


  • Tweak my brand so that it better reflects my style! You may be thinking, “but wait, you just started your blog this year..why would you change it?”…Well, after having some of my closest friends tell me that it’s not really me..I evaluated it, and decided it definitely makes me seem more country than I am..haha! So we’ll see what happens, but somethings gotta change…
  • Mail out Christmas gifts to my 2012 clients!
  • Get all of my business finances in order (this one will get done only because my husband is awesome and is helping me with it…)

And here are some personal goals:

  • Finish Christmas shopping by December 15..I’m talking being completely DONE with the presents wrapped and under the tree..I really love buying gifts for people so this is actually enjoyable..but I hate waiting till the last minute and feeling rushed to get it done!
  • Paint our upstairs bathroom..this ones been on the list for a long’s gonna happen this time…
  • Dream up a design to remodel our awkward shaped kitchen and make it more functional…This one is harder than you would think..last night Ryan and I spent HOURS trying to come up with a rough sketch and we’ve still got nothin…If you’re reading this and  you’re an architect or interior designer..HELP!!!
  • Limit the amount of episodes of Friday Night Lights we watch each week…we don’t have cable, but it’s way too easy to get sucked into watching shows for HOURS on Netflix. Our last year of college, Ryan and I watched every single episode of 24..that’s EIGHT seasons..There is not enough time for that in the real world…
  • Have fun shooting our Christmas card pictures with Lauryn Galloway!! I’m so excited!

And I’ll leave you with a few peeks of the good things that are up next on the blog!!:

Happy Monday!!

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  1. Katie Nesbitt

    December 3rd, 2012 at 6:36 pm

    Yay! You got this! December is going to be an awesome month!!

  2. Samantha Horseman

    December 3rd, 2012 at 7:10 pm

    Hey! I wrote on your fb wall…maybe you missed it? I would love to come over to hang out, see your house and help you with the kitchen! When are you free?? I’d love to go christmas gift shopping w/you too! I have a few more things to get.

  3. ashley barnett

    December 4th, 2012 at 11:06 am

    I can’t wait to see more pics of Lauryn and Katie/John!!! They look so good! And I LOVE that image/pin thing…definitely saving that one!

  4. Brittany Claud

    December 5th, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    Sounds like you have a lot of great things coming up!! And I really need to remember those 12 things!

  5. Carrie Logan

    December 6th, 2012 at 12:59 am

    love that print!! so challenging. also challenging? the fact that you will have all of your christmas presents bought and wrapped by december 15th! you’re setting the bar high ;) can’t wait to see your shoot of john + katie and lauryn!! anddd lastly i am at the edge of my seat to see the perfection that will be you and ryan’s christmas pictures. ahhhhh!!!!

  6. Karen

    December 6th, 2012 at 10:45 am

    I am in my 5th year of architecture school and had a 14-month internship doing space planning/renovation work! If you want to e-mail me a few photos and sketched out floorplan I might be able to offer some ideas! :)

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A glimpse into my daily life in Richmond, VA (and travels beyond) with my husband Ryan, our disobedient puppy Lexie, and the work, style and attempts at minimalism in between.