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It was a windy, drizzly day, but Lauren and Luke’s wedding could not have been more wonderful…They had planned an outdoor ceremony overlooking the Tappahannock river on the gorgeous Blandfield Plantation property by the hunting lodge…and there was no way a little rain was going to ruin their plans!! I love how calm these two stayed in spite of the rain…although I shouldn’t have been too surprised, because Lauren is actually an event planner..she deals with this kind of stuff all the time! They made the call last minute to go ahead with the outdoor ceremony..and can I just say, I’m SO GLAD THEY DID!

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If I had to pick a phrase that represents Bekah and her family it would be “Southern Hospitality”…they are from Tennessee, have cute southern accents, and are some of the most generous and sweet people I know. You can really tell that they take great joy in being hospitable to others, which really shined through […]

I’ve always loved event planning…I actually thought I wanted to be a wedding planner for the majority of my life…Well obviously I didn’t become a wedding planner…and it turns out that something I love even more than event planning is actually event design..but it’s a TON of work…I think back on the number of hours […]


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A glimpse into my daily life in Richmond, VA (and travels beyond) with my husband Ryan, our son Gray, and our disobedient puppy Lexie, plus the work, style and attempts at minimalism in between.